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Gina Plate

Senior Vice President, Education


As the Senior Vice President for Education at Deveau Burr Group, Gina advises clients within the education sector on policy and strategy while advocating for their needs at local and state levels. With an extensive background in policy and regulatory leadership, Gina's journey in education advocacy has been marked by significant contributions to the field.


Before joining Deveau Burr Group, Gina played pivotal roles in policy and regulatory capacities, notably serving as the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Special Education at the California Charter Schools Association. Over a decade-long tenure, she was the primary liaison for all special education issues, providing guidance and support to educational entities across California and nationally. Her expertise spans a range of areas, including state and federal special education programs and funding, facilitating smooth regulatory compliance, and spearheading advocacy initiatives.


Gina's dedication and expertise led to her appointment by Governor Jerry Brown to the Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE), where she served as Chair from 2011 to 2019. Her impact extended beyond this role, as she provided expert testimony in California Senate and Assembly hearings and advised the Governor's Administration and State Agencies on critical educational matters.


Gina's earned her undergraduate degree and Master's in Special Education from the University of San Diego. She holds Multiple Subject Clear Teaching and Special Education Credentials, with specific authorization in serving students facing significant mental health and behavioral health challenges.

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